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Sales Skills for Non-Salespeople   -   1 day

Open course, online or in-house




Very frequently support, technical and/or back office staff need to become involved in the sales process. It is hugely important that they understand how selling works and where they might fit into your companies sales process. The understanding gained in this day will leave delegates feeling far more confident when dealing with prospective customers



Who should attend?


Ideally everyone in your business but certainly support/back office staff covering for any part of the sales function. Also well suited for small business owners needing to understand how to sell more.


This day is suitable for those selling B2B and B2C, either face to face or over the phone.



During the day we cover:


Understanding the sales role in your business

Understanding the sales process and where you can fit into it

Basic but essential sales skills

How to feel more comfortable when selling

Questioning/Listening skills

How to avoid difficult/regular objections

Difficult customers

How to ask for a commitment




We will look at how to apply the above to your situation, your product/service, your business and write a short action plan

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